Flamingo addicted?
Yes I am!
Ma che ne so perché.....mi sembra simpatico, come tutte quelle forme che diventano un must, che siano gli ananas, le ciliegie, le teste di cervo.....
E poi mi piace metterlo lì in contesti allegri, colorati....e molto probabilmente incompresi dalle shabby lovers.
Per vedere come fare la bustina, il template è qui!
Flamingo addicted?
Yes I am!
But I dont' know why....seems sympathetic, like all those forms that become a must, as pineapples, cherries, deer heads.....
And I like to put it there in cheerful contexts, colored....and probably misunderstood by the shabby lovers.
To see how to make the envelope, the template is here!
Yes I am!
But I dont' know why....seems sympathetic, like all those forms that become a must, as pineapples, cherries, deer heads.....
And I like to put it there in cheerful contexts, colored....and probably misunderstood by the shabby lovers.
To see how to make the envelope, the template is here!